Outlets, overflows and scuppers are all accessories integral to waterproofing. These bespoke accessories are made to suit a variety of functions from expelling water off your deck area to attaching solar panels to your flat roof. Propriety roof outlets need to be compatible with the type of roof membrane. They need to be sized to suit the drainage requirements. The outlet details need to be designed to connect suitably to the specific substrate. An outlet also needs to prevent large objects from entering and blocking the drain. It is the responsibility of the designer to ensure sufficient drainage capacity for the roof design. It may also be advisable to consult a drainage specialist.

Nuralite fixing plate.
On an enclosed flat roof, it is important to have a backup plan in the form of an over flow. Blockage of the primary outlet is always a possibility. Overflows offer a temporary alternative method of draining the roof. The overflow must be located at a height that will work without significant ponding or flood damage and also at a location where the overflowing water will be easily seen by the building occupants.

Internal outlet and overflow.
Accessories are often an afterthought when specifying a waterproofing membrane, but sometimes it pays to choose a full system where there are no mix ’n’ match products. Choosing an approved accessory that complements a membrane is vital to longevity and life span.