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Colin Gooch
Colin Gooch
on Paint and Coatings
Technical Director

Colin Gooch is Resene’s Technical Director. In his over 50 years at Resene, he's progressed from starting as a sole chemist in the early years to leading the Resene Technical and R&D teams. Colin has a wealth of knowledge about paints, coatings, stains and colours.

28 August 2023

Why Does Silk Feel So Silky? The Science Behind Soft Touch

With surfaces you touch a lot, sensory feel can not only make the surface feel better but also look better.

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27 March 2023

Is Paint Compostable?

‘Compostable’ means material that can be similarly broken down but — critically — into species that are useful and beneficial to compost.

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27 February 2023

To Stain or to Paint? Which is the Better Decision?

Could multiple applications of less durable wood stains outperform a more durable paint system in terms of carbon footprint?

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30 August 2021

Paint Failing: Wet Adhesion and Hydrostatic Pressure

What causes some paints to disbond under hydrostatic pressure? It generally comes down to the ‘wet adhesion’ of the paint layer to the damp, concrete substrate.

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27 April 2021

Reducing Dirt Pick-Up On Painted Surfaces

A look at two major tactics for reducing dirt pick-up — making the surface either super-hydrophilic or super-hydrophobic.

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22 March 2021

Determining the Best Coating Method for Timber Decking

It can be difficult to give coating advice on new products arriving into NZ's climate — here's a look at how strandwoven bamboo decking is made and some of the challenges of the coating process. 

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8 February 2021

Creating the Charred Timber Look

A look at how charred timber aesthetics have been created over time. 

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