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Renewing Existing Roofs for Environmental Benefits

Revitalising ageing roofs through innovative renewal techniques offers a sustainable solution that extends building lifespans, reduces waste, and minimises environmental impact in the construction industry.

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23 September 2024
23 September 2024

Flat Roofs and Internal Gutters: Controlling and Removing Rainwater

231 Archers Rd RW head and OFLOW

There are a range of approaches to how a low-pitched roof can be designed, it could include an internal gutter and/or drain into a rainwater head and the lowest point, or through a traditional roof drain outlet. 

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23 September 2024

Changing Perceptions on Mastic Asphalt: What You Should Know

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Like many long-lasting, tried and tested materials, mastic asphalt is being re-imagined, modified and re-examined as a highly relevant building solution for today. 

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17 September 2024

New H1 Insulation Standards Can Cost as Little as $2,200 Extra Using Schedule Method

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New industry research has shown that the cost of the new H1 building regulations, which focus in particular on improved insulation of Kiwi homes, is far lower than has been reported.

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Remote Inspections

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LBP Skills Maintenance, August 2024 — for all LBPs | The Government has announced there will be a public consultation in the coming months on a range of options to increase the uptake of remote inspections.

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LBP Skills Maintenance, August 2024 — for all LBPs | Undertaking supervision is an important role and it is important all LBPs consider the practical and legal implications of performing this function.

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26 August 2024

From Boring to Beautiful: Tips for Improving Townhouse Facade Design

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This month I look at how we can raise our game when designing townhouse facades + we have a new round of the Medium Quick-Fire Quiz. 

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26 August 2024

Exploring Green Roof Types: From Extensive to Blue-Green Systems

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Green Roofs are a complex system that requires careful consideration of multiple factors, including weight, water retention, and the type of vegetation.

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26 August 2024

How Advanced Glass Technology Can Mitigate Solar Overheating in Modern Classrooms

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The right glass selection can mitigate the effects of solar heat gain while allowing outdoor views and natural light, creating a more comfortable learning environment for students and teachers, while not requiring extra ongoing operational costs. 

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26 August 2024

What Our Recent Industry Sentiment Reports Really Tell Us About the Health of the Industry

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Whilst the media-grabbing headlines of our Architect and Builder Sentiment Reports released in August were of falling demand, increased capacity and expected headwinds for the next 12 months, I wanted to move past these top-level soundbites and share five observations that struck me while pouring through the results of these two reports.

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Considerations for Membrane Cold Roof Ventilation

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The term cold roof can be a little misleading. We call them ‘cold’ due only to placement of the insulation being separated from the membrane substate, or more technically; the internal air can circulate underneath the roof.

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