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'Turning Tables' at Formica Formations 2013

2011’s competition challenged professionals and emerging designers to come up with creative concepts for chairs using Formica laminates. This year the theme will be‘Turning Tables’, and designers will be asked to enter unique designs for tables using Formica laminate.

“Formica laminate has stood the test of time, staying at the forefront of cutting-edge design throughout the last 10decades,”says Melle de Pater, General Manager of TheLaminex Group, custodians of the Formica brand in New Zealand.

“The Formica Formations competition is all about looking ahead to draw out the potential world-leading designers of the future. It will be talented designers such as these who will shape the design trends of the future, and Formica laminate will evolve with them as it has always done.”

A diverse and high-calibre judging panel will be reviewing the entries for the2013 competition, which ensures that judging is to an extremely high international standard. The winners in each category will have their concepts brought to life through fabrication by The Laminex Group.

The judges are:

Renee Hytry Derrington: Group VP of Design for Fletcher Building’s Laminates and Panels Division, Renée is responsible for new design development of Formica brand surfacing products globally. She is board director for Colour Marketing Group and was instrumental in initiating the Formica Formations concept in the USA.

Ron Sang: winner of the NZIA Enduring Architecture Award 2001, New Zealand architect Ron Sang is director of Sang Architects & Co Ltd, Ron Sang Publications and the Ron Sang Gallery. His services to art and architecture  span 50 years and were recognised in 2000 with his appointment as an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit.

David Trubridge: named by a French magazine as one of the top 15 designers in the world, David has worked in the design industry for over 18 years. In 2007, he was given New Zealand’s highest design award — the John Britten Award — by the Designers’ Institute of New Zealand.

“Having top industry professionals from both New Zealand and overseas judging Formica Formations 2013 is a great reflection of how well supported the competition is within the design community here,” Melle says.

There are two entry categories: professional architects adn esigners, and emerging architects and designers. Entries close on July 31 2013, with submission forms and further information available on the website. The winning tables will be displayed at an official awards ceremony towards the end of 2013.

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