The winners were announced and the winning pieces revealed via virtual reality at the Formica Formations awards function that was held in Auckland in November.
Formica Formations is a unique design competition which aims to celebrate and showcase the creativity of architects and designers throughout New Zealand. A bi-annual event, it separates entrants into two categories: the professional category, and the emerging category (for those entrants who are within four years of graduation).
This year's brief, ‘A Forward Life,’ challenged designers to design for the personal space, cross-area living, the public, or global space. To ‘see forward’ and help connect with responsible, thoughtful actions. To connect, move, support, improve and future-proof.
A top judging panel comprised of leading New Zealand Designer David Trubridge, Fletcher Building International Division Group Vice President of Design, Renee Hytry Derrington, and award-winning New Zealand architect Ron Sang judged the entries.
Christchurch team Cymon Allfrey and Taylor-Jane Laws were awarded first place in the professional category of the competition, while top spot in the emerging designer section went to Massey University student Calum Elliot.
Laminex New Zealand General Manager, Jerome Deperrois said he was delighted with the breadth of creativity shown in the entries received.
Professional Category
Christchurch based architects Allfrey and Laws created a unique structural art piece that focused on the rebuild of their city. ‘A Christchurch Perspective’ offers a look into a Christchurch of the future. Allfrey and Laws used a system of layers of suspended bonded materials that allows the viewer to experience the art installation in three dimensional space. The city grid and possibilities come together only once the viewer is in front of the piece. Each city block is depicted with a bespoke visual representing a vision of the future. The judges felt this democratic art installation offered a true New Zealand version of looking ‘forward’ towards a better life.
Emerging Category
Massey University student Calum Elliot took a traditional postform technique used in creating Formica benchtops to the next level with a modern decorative flair in his piece ‘Interstice’, which took first place in the emerging category. With clever edging details exposing ribbons of light, the judges were impressed by the complex elements of the design belied by its apparent simplicity.
For more information visit the Formica Formations website