Have you always wanted to design your own wallpaper or wall mural? Here’s your chance to get creative and win prizes with the Resene Wallpaper Design Competition.
This unique opportunity is open to specifiers, interior designers, graphic designers, design students, wallpaper hangers, wallpaper lovers and anyone who has ever wanted to design their own wallpaper.
There is over $10,000 in prizes to be won across three categories:
- Wall mural (scalable) — design
- Wall mural (scalable) — photo
- Wallpaper repeat design
Each winning design will win a prize pack worth over $2500, including:
- Up to 15 square metres of the winning design, via the Resene WallPrint service — value NZ$1125
- NZ $1000 Prezzy card
- NZ $500 Resene ColorShop voucher
- A feature through habitat and/or BlackWhite media channels
Plus, a runner up prize in each category of:
- Up to 15 square metres of the winning design, via the Resene WallPrint service — value NZ$1125.
- NZ $250 Prezzy card
- NZ $250 Resene ColorShop voucher
- A feature through habitat and/or BlackWhite media channels
The winning wallpapers will be made in partnership with Aspiring Walls.
This competition is open to New Zealand and Australian entrants until 31 July 2021.
Find the full details and enter at www.resene.com/wallpaper-design-comp