The new site is simple to navigate with a special Architect’s Hub page. The Architect's Hub page includes access to an online resource library including datasheets for specification details and brochures to show to clients. The handy NZBC H1 – Energy Efficiency Guide can also be downloaded from this hub page – making specifying Pink Batts products a breeze.
Information on Tasman Insulation’s Sisalation® range of building underlays can also be found in the resource library.
The main part of the site takes you on journey through an interactive home, showing there is much more to the brand and the products than comfort…hence the new tag line ‘more than comfort’.
The site answers pertinent questions on the safety of Pink Batts products and their sustainability. With more to come, keep and eye out for Pink Batts exciting new journey to ‘more than comfort’.
To find out for yourself how Pink Batts offers ‘more than comfort’ visit the architect's hub.
Feedback from architects and designers was integral to the development of this new website, and Pink Batts welcome comments good or bad, and ideas for future improvements and additions. Please leave your thoughts below.