It had suffered from serious moisture ingress and the resulting damage had got to a point where the only viable option was to bowl the house and start again. Although Colleen was successful in her legal claim against various parties, after she paid all her lawyers and expert fees she did not have enough money to rebuild her home.
The Home Owners and Buyers Association of New Zealand (HOBANZ) have stepped in and are helping to facilitate the rebuild project. A large number of companies have come to the party and are donating their time and products to the project.
The National Association of Steel Framed Housing Inc (NASH) is playing a leading role in this with its members assisting in the rebuild from New Zealand Steel donating the AXXIS Steel framing and RFS manufacturing and erecting the steel.
The Close Up team from TVNZ filmed the demolishing of Colleen's home and is eager to get the rebuild story up on screen. The new design is complete using a similar layout to her original home and incorporating the latest in energy efficiencies. The building consent has been approved and the construction is underway.