Magical Imperfection
Magical Imperfection tells the inspirational story of world-renowned Canadian architect Raymond Moriyama who joined with Ted Teshima in 1970 to form Moriyama & Teshima Architects. Imprisoned in his own country during the 1940s because of his race, Ray found the strength to combat injustice by devoting his career to social justice and equality.
Ray has applied his visionary architectural approach to numerous landmark projects including the Bata Shoe Museum, Saudi Arabian National Museum, Ontario Science Centre, Scarborough Civic Centre, Toronto Reference Library, Canadian Embassy in Tokyo and the Canadian War Museum.
Event Details
Date: Thursday 15 August
Time: 5.30pm - 7.45pm
Location: The Suter Art Gallery, 208 Bridge Street, Nelson
CPD and LBP Points
NZRAB Members: 5.00 CPD points, please enter your # below
ADNZ Members: Please log your points online directly with ADNZ
LBP Points: This event has the opportunity to earn 1 hours elective training as part of meeting your skills maintenance requirements
Event partners
Allco Waterproofing Solutions | Allied Concrete | APL | Cosentino | James Hardie | Kingspan Thermakraft | New Zealand Steel | Resene Paint | The Building Agency
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