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XTHERM GOLD Insulated Facade System

XTHERM GOLD insulated plaster facade system incorporates our exclusive 50mm, 75mm or 100mm thick XTHERM™ GOLD ultra-high density, fire retardant PIR panels, providing far greater thermal insulation and hardness than traditional standard grade EPS (expanded polystyrene).

The System is fixed over a 20mm cavity on timber or steel framing creating an unbroken layer of 'out'sulation which Resene Construction Systems consider to be the most efficient method to keep the warmth in and the cold out.

Key Features
  • XTHERM™ GOLD Insulation thickness - 50mm / 75mm / 100mm
  • Extra High density / 35kg/m³
  • Complete thermal envelope
  • Breathable system
  • Hand plastered
  • Fibreglass reinforced
  • Professional Registered LBP supply & install
  • Performance guarantee
  • Patented EdgeSeal window flashing suite
  • Genuine Resene Colour range
  • OnSite Quality Assurance programme

Thermal Ratings

  • R1.265 @ 50mm
  • R1.925 @ 75mm
  • R2.585 @ 100mm

Thermal ratings listed are de-rated by .45 to allow for thermal loss through the cavity. Add the thermal rating listed to the 'inwall' insulation to calculate total wall thermal performance. i.e. R2.8 +R1.265 = R4.065

NZ Made
NZ Made
NZ-Owned Business
NZ-Owned Business
Scope of Use
  • Residential, Medium density, and light commercial situations
  • All Wind zones up to and including Very High
  • All Seismic and Corrosion zones

BRANZ Appraisal No 633 [2018]

XTHERM GOLD has been appraised as an external wall cladding system for buildings within the following scope:

  • the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1; and,
  • with a risk score of 0-20, calculated in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Table 2; and,
  • situated in NZS 3604 Wind Zones up to, and including Extra High.

XTHERM GOLD has also been appraised for weathertightness and structural wind loading when used as an external wall cladding system for buildings within the following scope:

  • the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1; and,
  • constructed with timber and steel framing subject to specific engineering design; and,
  • situated in specific design wind pressures up to a maximum design differential ultimate limit state (ULS) of 2.5 kPa.
Limitations on Use

XTHERM GOLD must only be installed on vertical surfaces (except for tops of parapets, sills and balustrades, which must have a minimum 10° slope and be waterproofed in accordance with the Technical Literature)

The system is appraised for use with aluminium window and door joinery that is installed with vertical jambs and horizontal heads and sills. (Note: The Appraisal of Insulated Façade System relies on the joinery meeting the requirements of NZS 4211 for the relevant Wind Zone or wind pressure

Statement of Building Code Compliance

In the opinion of BRANZ, Insulated Façade System if designed, used, installed and maintained in accordance with the statements and conditions of Appraisal No. 633 [2018], will meet or contribute to meeting the following provisions of the NZBC:

  • Clause B1 STRUCTURE: Performance B1.3.1, B1.3.2 and B1.3.4. Insulated Facade System meets the requirements for loads arising from self-weight, wind, impact and creep [i.e. B1.3.3 (a), (h), (j) and (q)]. See Paragraphs 10.1 - 10.4
  • Clause B2 DURABILITY: Performance B2.3.1 (b), 15 years, B2.3.1 (c), 5 years and B2.3.2. Insulated Façade System meets these requirements. See Paragraphs 11.1 and 11.3
  • Clause E2 EXTERNAL MOISTURE: Performance E2.3.2. Insulated Façade System meets this requirement. See Paragraphs 16.1 - 16.5
  • Clause F2 HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS: Performance F2.3.1. Insulated Façade System meets this requirement and will not present a health hazard to people
In-Service History

Resene Construction Systems' cavity based insulated facade systems have been installed extensively since 2005. XTHERM GOLD is the latest in high thermal performance plaster facade technology in New Zealand.

Other Performance Attributes

High density PIR insulation board providing higher thermal, and impact resistance than standard EPS insulation systems.

BRANZ Appraised
BRANZ Appraised
BRANZ Appraisal

No. 633 [2018]

Additional Information

Creating beautiful and durable exteriors with premium, trusted Rockcote and Plaster System product ranges.

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Achieve Unbroken Insulation Performance with XTHERM GOLD Outsulation
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