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Pro Clima Technical
Pro Clima Technical
on Airtightness and Moisture Management
Healthy Building Experts

The Pro Clima NZ technical team offers expert advice on how to manage moisture and condensation to create healthy, durable and energy-efficient buildings to live, learn, work and play in — now, and for generations to come.

27 May 2024

Deciphering The Building Code: B1 Structure

This first article in a series of five reflects on recent Pro Clima Knowledge Zone webinars and aims to highlight how changes in one area can impact other code clauses. We point out some of our industry's common mistakes and discuss how to address them. 

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25 March 2024

Drier Education: An Insight into the MOE’s Weathertightness Design Requirements for School Buildings

In this article we look at some of the elements included from Version 3.0 onwards of the Ministry of Education's Weathertightness Guidance document which would be deemed ‘above code’, and discuss the whys, hows and wheres of their practical application.

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26 June 2023

Optimum Moisture Protection for SIPs Construction

Like with any external building product that contains timber or absorbent materials, SIPS can be sensitive to moisture.

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24 April 2023

Energy Efficiency is Essential, But Can We Afford It?

H1 provides for the efficient use of energy and sets physical conditions for energy performance. Are the recent changes to the H1 clause just a small step along the road to adopting the International Passive House standards across New Zealand, like other members of the OECD experienced? Robert Whitehouse believes they are.

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29 August 2022

Building Science Soup

When it comes to understanding the flow of liquid water, air, heat and water vapour through our building elements, accurate nomenclature matters.

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25 July 2022

Above Sheathing Ventilation, Part 3: Fighting the Sun

Harsh summer conditions expose roofs to severe solar radiation and add uncomfortable heat loads to our buildings. But the air movement induced by ASV can work to keep our buildings cool, no matter the cladding type or material colour.

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27 June 2022

Above Sheathing Ventilation, Part 2: The Blue Planet

A look at the impact of water from the outside, the inside and within our buildings, and how above sheathing ventilation can keep the structure dry using proven building physics.

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30 May 2022

Above Sheathing Ventilation Part 1: Rise of the Cavity

An introduction to Above Sheathing Ventilation (ASV) and some of the issues it helps to resolve. 

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26 April 2022

Thermoplastic Elastomer Ether Esters: What are They, and How Do They Work?

TEEE membranes actively transport water vapour through molecular diffusion across the thickness of the TEEE film.

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27 September 2021

What is Above Sheathing Ventilation?

A guide to Above Sheathing Ventilation (ASV) and how it can significantly reduce moisture accumulation and assist with condensation management.

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