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Client Knowledge Base

A resource for EBOSS clients to get the most out of EBOSS services

Document Types and Labels

Document Types

Items of literature (both uploaded documents or links) are grouped according to the type of information. This dictates the order in which the documents display on the listing and helps to group similar documents together.

When loading a document or creating a link you select a Type from the drop down list. The order in the list reflects the order that the information types appear on EBOSS. This places technical information (such as manual or technical statements) at the top, and other information (such as brochures or colour charts) further down. 

A table below outlines the different literature types.


Once you have selected the literature type you can enter your own label for your literature. Labels are optional but are useful to customise your information. 

Using labels helps make it clear to specifiers what information is available and where to find it.

Labels should be used to distinguish between literature of the same type, or where a more specific name is needed. For instance:

  • If you have two items under the same type you should use a label to help clarity — A 'Technical Data Sheet' and a 'Span Table' would both have the type 'Data Sheet'
  • Where the type covers a range of information, such as 'Appraisal, Accreditation, Certification and Testing'. Here a label is helpful to indicate the nature of the information, such as 'BRANZ Appraisal', 'Acoustic Testing' or 'Environmental Certification', etc. 
*Note: If no Label is entered the Literature Type will display as the default, e.g 'Data Sheet',  'Brochure', or 'Appraisal, Accreditation, Certification and Testing' 

Literature Types and Definitions

Technical/Design Manual A technical manual or design manual is typically a comprehensive document for specifiers comprising key design information for products or systems. Its contents can be vast and varied, from performance data to options/variations and environmental performance.
Data Sheet A data sheet summarises technical parameters of a product or system in sufficient detail to understand its role as a component in a building. Examples include: span tables or a material safety data sheet (MSDS).
Appraisal, Accreditation, Certification, and Testing Appraisal, accreditation, certification and testing documentation covers how a product or system has met standards by an external regulator/assessor, or test results and parameters that function as evidence of performance. Examples may include: BRANZ Appraisal, CodeMark Certificate or Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC).
BPIR/PTS A Building Product Information Requirements (BPIR) summary or Product Technical Statement (PTS) is information relating to the scope, limitations and compliance of a building product or system that product manufacturers and importers must have available to users of building products.
Producer Statement A producer statement is a document issued by a specialist author that gives evidence that design or building work complies, or will comply, with the Building Code which helps councils make a decision to issue a building consent or a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC). For example, a PS1.
Externally Hosted Drawings An option to hyperlink to drawings hosted on an external website, such as your own. Drawing uploads should be made under the Drawings section.
Specification Clause/Guid A specification clause or specification guide assists specifiers with building documentation, compiling an explicit set of written requirements to be satisfied by a product or system for that cannot be conveyed in a drawing. Examples include Masterspec and Smartspec.
Installation and Operation Installation and operation documentation regards the installation and end use of a product or system. For example, installation instructions. (Note this excludes any installation drawings which should be added via the Drawings section.)
Maintenance and Warranty Warranty documentation and maintenance requirements for a product or system.
Brochure A brochure is a document focused more on the benefits and features of a product or system, typically covering less technical parameters than a technical/design manual.
Options, Variations or Accessories Options, variations and accessories are information like profiles, configurations, colour ranges, supporting products or components.
Pricing, Availability and Sample Requests Pricing and sample documentation is information or channels regarding unit costs, supply availability and samples.
Additional Information Additional information includes any documentation not covered by other types. Consider whether this is relevant for specifiers. 
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